Ph.D: Dept. of Computational Intelligence and Systems Science, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering (AI), TIT (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Tokyo, Japan.
공학박사 : 일본 동경공업대 융합대학원 컴퓨터지능 시스템전공 (인공지능)

AI-related lecture online at Nepal University as a volunteer (March 2021- )
AI consultant (Dec. 2022- ), Smart bank (AI and Data company, S. Korea)
Seoul National University of S&T, Researcher, 2021-2022
Full professor, Adama Science and Technology University, Ethiopia, April 19, 2019-Feb. 28, 2021.
Full professor, Director, Korean Experts Center of TDT University, Vietnam
Dean, Graduate school of Huree University, Mongolia, 2015.
Prof., Director, Korea Expert Center, University
Prof., Dept. of Control Eng., Hanbat National University (1993-2015)
Associate fellow prof., University Malaysia Sabah
Visiting Prof., Budapest University of Technology and Economic (2012-2013)
EU-FP7 (EU- Framework Programme) NCP (ICT)
Director, KNRF (Korea National Research Foundation), 2006-2008.
Visiting Prof., University of Alberta, Canada, 1999 - 2000.
Inviting researcher, ANL (Algonne National Lab.), USA, 1988
Inviting Res, AECL (Atomic Energy Canada Lab.), Canada,1985-1986.
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Nov., 1977-March, 1993.
Korea-Hungary Joint Work: ‘Robot motion Consult & Lecture, 2010-2011.